Sperm Bank
The Armadain Cell Bank freezes all the possibilities for your important gene to survive. The sperm bank is one of them. We recommend cryopreservation of sperm cells so that in the future, this mutating coronavirus and new pandemics that may emerge will not destroy your precious cells (genes and DNA).

why? Do you need a sperm bank?
Since it is the age of coronavirus and pandemic, sperm are cryopreserved.

Papers have been published that coronaviruses and vaccines can cause problems with oligospermia and reproductive function. Besides that, the environment around us, such as 5G and 6G, is changing every day. Even so, the potential for men to have zero sperm in the next 40 years is a problem. Oligospermia is also called oligospermia. A complete lack of sperm is also called azoospermia. If the sperm count is less than 15 million per milliliter of semen, the sperm count is considered to be lower than normal. It is said that the number of sperms is decreasing year by year. Since we do not know the exact cause of sperm loss, we do not know when and what causes sperm loss or disappearance. Therefore, by when? Because I can't find the answer, the risk increases accordingly. If you want to have offspring in the future, whether young or old, urgently perform a sperm test and if you can see healthy sperm, for the future We recommend cryopreserving sperm.
Coronavirus corona vaccines are beginning to be pointed out as having the potential to reduce sperm.
Armadyne Cell Bank is a cell bank for living in the era of mutated coronaviruses and pandemics. What if your sperm (gene or DNA) mutates by any chance? A cell bank that delivers healthy genetic information to you in the future.
Armadyne Cell Bank's [Home Male Sperm Bank] is a completely new type of male infertility test and sperm freezing system in the world of reproductive medicine that is indispensable for modern people living in the pandemic era.
It is possible to test fertility, test sperm count and sperm status, and cryopreserve precious sperm without having to step into a fertility clinic.

Awareness of living in an era when sperm freezes are needed

Sperm can reach zero in the next 40 years. It is said that. The speed of male sperm loss is accelerating. Oligospermia is also called oligospermia. A complete lack of sperm is also called azoospermia. If the sperm count is less than 15 million per milliliter of semen, the sperm count is considered to be lower than normal. It is said that the number of sperms is decreasing year by year. Since we do not know the exact cause of sperm loss, we do not know when and what causes sperm loss or disappearance.
Therefore, by when? Because I can't find the answer, the risk increases accordingly. According to a study released by researchers at The Hebrew University of Medicine (Israel) and Mount Sinai School of Medicine (USA), sperm counts in men living in the United States, Europe, Australia and New Zealand have fallen by more than half in the last 40 years. That's right. In other words, the fertility of men today is halved compared to their grandfather's time. It seems that it will be. In this treatise, a team of epidemiologists and clinicians from Hebrew University and Mount Sinai examines the semen of about 43,000 men. The results indicate that humans may already be on the road to non-breeding.

Men over the age of 40 have lower sperm counts than men between the ages of 20 and 29. It also increases the risk of miscarriage by inheriting birth defects and neurocognitive deficits.

The sperm count has almost halved from 1973 to 2011, and the pace of decline is increasing, and it is said that it will reach zero in 40 years.

The global environment is full of threats to the future of sperm, such as pandemics, mutated viruses, and electromagnetic waves. We must be aware of the importance of sperm.

Male fertility is often overlooked. It is said that 50% of known couples of infertility can be caused by men.
The number of sperms was 99 million per milliliter in 1973, but it was reduced to 47 million in 2011. Moreover, the pace of decline is increasing every year. As a result, it will be zero in 40 years depending on the rate of decrease. The causes such as environmental pollution, plastic pollution, and food pollution cannot be determined, but it is a fact that the number of male sperms is undoubtedly decreasing year by year. It may be necessary to find a way to grow sperm, or to develop reproductive technology that does not require sperm, in anticipation of the day when many sperms are cryopreserved and the quiescence will die altogether. It is said that it cannot be done. At this time, we do not know the exact cause of sperm loss, so we do not know when and what causes sperm loss or disappearance. Therefore, by when? Because I can't find the answer, the risk increases accordingly. If you want to have offspring in the future, whether young or old, urgently perform a sperm test and if you can see sperm, sperm for the future We recommend that you store it frozen.

Our bank has succeeded in producing reprogramming cells from patients' own cells for the first time in the world.
Reprogramming cells and stem cells can be generated before and after cryopreserving cells. If you wish, you can order as an option.
* Caution * However, please note that some countries may not be able to produce stem cells or reprogramming cells. *